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Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction: The Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

By February 8, 2016November 28th, 2016Injury & Treatment Advice

The occurrence of symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) has increased quite a lot over the years. It is estimated that it affects about every one out of four women, and there are women who continue to experience problems with this matter postpartum.


Symptoms of symphysis pubis dysfunction


One of the main symptoms of this condition is the pain and discomfort in the area of the pelvis. There are reports that many people who suffer from this problem claim that they can actually hear a clicking or popping sound from their lower back and hip joints. These sufferers often also experience some pain in the lower areas of their bodies in the hips, groin, lower back and lower abdomen.

The level of discomfort that these sufferers experience ranges from a mild pain to a more extreme and prolonged period of pain. The people who have this condition often have difficulty when walking up steps, and experience some pain when they are carrying any weights or completing weight-bearing activities. They often suffer as they are sometimes unable to carry out their daily activities and also have problems standing, even for a short period of time.


Diagnosis and treatment for symphysis pubis dysfunction


If you can have an early diagnosis, it can help to minimise any pain or discomfort causing this condition. A diagnosis is usually made from the symptoms alone, but after some pregnancies, X-rays, MRIs and ultrasound are frequently used to detect this condition.


Some treatments that are used for many women who suffer from SPD include the use of pain killers, or pelvic support in the form of a belt to assist the pelvis.


There are other types of remedy, such as hydrotherapy, acupuncture and osteopathy. They sometimes help to provide pain relief to the many sufferers of this condition. In some cases that are considered to be extreme, there is the option of surgery. There are also several exercises that an obstetric Physiotherapist or Osteopath can recommend.


There are several things that a sufferer can consider doing each day to help with SPD, such as:


  • taking plenty of rest
  • sitting down for as many tasks as possible
  • avoiding lifting or carrying anything heavy
  • being sure to take care whenever turning in bed or when getting in and out of bed
  • putting a pillow between the legs when laying down
  • avoiding any twisting movements.


For some sufferers, medication is the only answer, with some women being prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs during their pregnancies. If you are one of the many who suffer from this condition, then you are advised to contact your doctor to be examined and get the right kind of treatment that can help to relieve the pain and discomfort.



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